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Date |
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Early 2025 | Working paper |
Risk management options for electricity retailers: The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has published an issues paper with preliminary findings. Next steps:
Find out more. |
February | Task Force Initiative 1C | Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko and Commerce Commission: Prepare for virtual disaggregation of the flexible generation base - Outline to be published. |
February | Task Force Initiative 1D | Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko and Commerce Commission: Investigate level playing field measures such as non-discrimination rules as a regulatory backstop. Options to be published in February 2025 |
6 February | Legislation | The Government has introduced the Offshore Renewable Energy Bill. Submissions will be accepted until 6 February 2025. |
Find out more, including an indicative timeline for the proposed regulatory regime.
12 February | Energy Competition Task Force: Package Two consultation update/webinar | The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko will publish consultation papers for Package Two initiatives 2A, 2B and 2C on the Electricity Authority’s website at 8am on Wednesday 12 February and host a webinar at 9.30am to run through the papers and answer any questions. These papers present proposals to better enable consumers to manage their electricity use and costs and harness the power of rooftop solar and batteries. | |
17 February | Results presentation |
Contact’s Chief Executive, Mike Fuge, and Acting Chief Financial Officer, Matthew Forbes, will make a presentation for analysts, investors, and media on Contact’s Half Year 2025 Financial Results for the six months ended 31 December 2024. |
18 February | Consultation | The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is seeking submissions on a proposal to improve the collection and publication of information on the availability of thermal fuels. Information about the thermal fuel availability is critical for understanding security of supply risks. |
Submissions close at 5pm, 18 February 2025. |
20 February | Update | The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko warmly invites you to attend its next Quarterly Update. EA Chief Executive Sarah Gillies and team will provide an update on priority initiatives, the EA's focus for the second quarter of 2025, Energy Competition Task Force work and more. | |
21 February | Results release | Release of Genesis's Half Year 2025 Financial Results for the six months ended 31 December 2024. | |
25 February | Results release | Release of Mercury's Half Year 2025 Financial Results for the six months ended 31 December 2024. | |
26 February | Results presentation | Meridian Energy will be holding a briefing on the company's interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2024. Date Wednesday 26 February 2025 Time 9:30am. If you wish to attend in person please RSVP to investors@meridianenergy.co.nz by Friday 21 February 2025. |
Find out more. |
27 February | Workshop | As part of preparing for security of supply events, the Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko and Transpower are hosting a workshop dedicated to communications planning for official conservation campaigns and rolling outages. Communications/customer services staff from all lines companies and retailers should attend. | |
27 February | Webinar | The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko invites distributors to register for its webinar to learn about a new requirement to provide distributed generation information in the Electricity Registry from 1 August. | Find out more and register. |
28 February | Consultation | The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is seeking feedback on a new Electricity Information Exchange Protocol (EIEP) to support retailers’ upcoming obligations under the Consumer Care Obligations to share information with distributors about medically dependent consumers on their networks. | Find out more. |
28 February | Consultation | The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is seeking submissions on a working paper which aims to improve settings in relation to power purchase agreements (PPAs). Submissions are due 28 February 2025.
It is considering 13 actions it believes could benefit those considering PPA arrangements, including allocating firming resources by requiring holders of critical firming resources to make volumes available to support PPA transactions. It aims to release a full consultation in April, and decisions in June. |
Find out more. |
March 2025 |
5 March | Consultation |
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko wants to hear your feedback on its proposals in its fifth Code amendment Omnibus. The EA uses the “Code amendment omnibus” when it’s beneficial to consult on multiple discrete proposals to amend the Code concurrently. This streamlines the process to make it easier for participants to provide feedback and enables the EA to progress amendments quickly. |
Please provide your feedback to policyconsult@ea.govt.nz by 5pm, Friday 4 March 2025 |
26 March | Consultation |
The Energy Competition Task Force has identified new ways to give consumers more control over their energy costs and to harness the power of rooftop solar and batteries. The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is now seeking feedback on three proposed changes to regulation to promote competition, reliable power supply, and efficient operation of the electricity market for the long-term benefit of all New Zealanders. |
APRIL 2025 |
3 April | Forum |
UDL's Annual Forum 2025: Keep Calm and Carry on Resolving UDL is bringing together a range of experts to explore important topics and give you new tools you can use to manage day-to-day life in complaint management. |
Thursday 3 April |
25 April | Task Force Initiative 1A Consultation |
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko aims to release a full consultation on a working paper which aims to improve settings in relation to power purchase agreements (PPAs). Submissions were due 28 February 2025 (see above). It plans to release decisions in June. |
Find out more. |
9 April | Industry exercise |
Transpower and the Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko are hosting an Industry Exercise to help prepare for dry winter situations. Market participants are invited to register and participate, so that in the event of future extended electricity supply shortages parties can work together effectively to ensure the best outcomes for. |
There will be webinars on 4 and 18 March that participants will also need to attend. Please register by Friday 24 January.
JUNE 2025 |
June 25 | Task Force Initiative 1A Consultation |
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko aims to release decisions on a working paper which aims to improve settings in relation to power purchase agreements (PPAs). Submissions were due 28 February 2025 and the full consultation was due for release in April (see above). |
Find out more. |
End of June | Review |
The Government's Review of New Zealand's electricity market, launched in November 2024, is expected to conclude in late June 2025. |
Find out more. |