May 14, 2024

Alpine Energy supports energy coaching scheme

Alpine Energy supports energy coaching scheme

Support from local lines company Alpine Energy is making a free energy coaching service that helps whānau cut the price of their power bills and heat their homes more efficiently available in Timaru, South Canterbury. 

Alpine, along with electricity retailers, is backing the award-winning EnergyMate programme, providing valuable support for families experiencing energy hardship. 

EnergyMate involves specially trained local energy coaches visiting the homes of eligible whānau to advise where savings can be made in areas like heating, lighting, hot water, shower flow, and efficient appliance use. 

The programme is an ERANZ-led initiative funded by electricity retailers, lines companies and the government. 

“We know the difference EnergyMate can make for households doing it tough and it’s great to have that recognised through support from Alpine Energy,” Electricity Retailers’ Association of New Zealand (ERANZ) Chief Executive Bridget Abernethy said. 

“Our local providers in Timaru are Presbyterian Support Otago South Canterbury and Timaru Budget Advisory Trust. They know the communities they serve because they’re part of the local whānau themselves, which is what makes EnergyMate so effective." 

Alpine Energy’s Chief Customer and Strategy Officer, Andrew Kerr, said the company was committed to supporting initiatives that make a real difference in the community. "We’ve seen the benefits the programme has had in the rest of the country and are excited to see the impact it could have on the lives of those that need it most in our community.” 

In addition to providing advice on energy efficiency, EnergyMate coaches also connect consumers with their electricity retailer to ensure they’re on the best plan and payment terms for their needs. They also help whānau understand their electricity bill and organise community workshops showing people how to get the most out of their power. 

EnergyMate helps to keep bills affordable – 30% of households made a positive change with their power company after a coaching visit and 67% saw a reduction in bills.  

Since it began in 2019, EnergyMate has helped more than 2,500 households in locations across New Zealand.  

Householders wanting to know more about EnergyMate should visit 

They can also make enquiries through their electricity retailer or local providers Presbyterian Support South Canterbury and Timaru Budget Advisory Trust. 

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